Form of Order for exempting LandsU.K.
The Improvement of Land Act, 1864
County of Parish of Whereas, by an absolute order under this Act, dated the day of and numbered the lands mentioned in the first and second schedules hereto were charged with the payment to of the yearly sum of payable half-yearly for the term of years:
And whereas, upon application made to them, the Inclosure Commissioners for England and Wales see fit to release and exempt from such charge such of the said lands as are particularized in the first schedule hereto:
Now therefore the said Inclosure Commissioners, in pursuance of “The Improvement of Lands Act, 1864,” do, by this order under their hands and seal, release and exempt the said lands mentioned in the first schedule hereto from the charge created by the above-mentioned absolute order, and from all liability thereto, and do hereby declare that the said charge applies to and continues in force as to the lands particularized in the second schedule hereto only.
Dated this day of
Schedule I. (Lands exempted)
Name, &c. of Lands | Landowner | Occupier | Parish | County | Total Acreage |
Schedule II. (Lands still subject to rentcharge)
Name, &c. of Lands | Landowner | Occupier | parish | County | Total Acreage |