All Husbands, Guardians, Tutors, Committees, Curators, Feoffees, Trustees, Judicial Factors, Executors, and Administrators shall respectively have the same Rights and Powers of making Applications and signifying Dissents, and taking other Proceedings under this Act, as their respective Wives, Infants, Minors, Lunatics, Idiots, and furious or fatuous Persons would have had if free from Disability, or as such Feoffees, Trustees, Judicial Factors, Executors, or Administrators respectively would have had if the Estates, Charges, or Interests of which they shall be such Feoffees, Trustees, or Judicial Factors, or which shall. be vested in them as such Executors or Administrators, had been vested in them in their own Right; but no Guardian, Tutor, Committee, Curator, Feoffee, Trustee, Judicial Factor, Executor, or Administrator shall be in anywise compelled or obliged to signify a Dissent from any Application under this Act, or be in anywise responsible for the Consequences of such Application, or of any Charge made in pursuance thereof.