
Appointment of Ship's Agent

4Each of Her Majesty's Ships to have an Agent.

Each of Her Majesty's Ships of War shall at all Times while in Commission have, for the Purposes of this Act, an Agent styled the Ship's Agent, to be appointed in the first instance as soon as may be after the Ship is put in Commission, and afterwards from Time to Time as a Vacancy in the Office or other Occasion may require.

5Ship's Agent to be appointed by Commanding Officer.

The Ship's Agent shall be appointed from Time to Time at Pleasure by the Commanding Officer of the Ship for the Time being by an Instrument signed and attested in the Form given in the Schedule to this Act.

6Instrument of Appointment to be registered and filed.

Any such Instrument shall not have Effect unless and until it is filed in the Registry of the High Court of Admiralty, having been previously registered in the Office of the Accountant General of the

An official Copy of any such Instrument under the Seal of the High Court of Admiralty shall be conclusive Evidence thereof.

7Persons in Service of Crown, Proctors, &c. incapable of being Agents.

A Person holding any Office or Employment in Her Majesty's Service or under the Crown, or a Proctor, Attorney, or Solicitor, shall not be capable of being a Ship's Agent.

If any Person being a Ship's Agent, accepts any such. Office or Employment, or becomes a Proctor, Attorney, or Solicitor, his Appointment as Ship's Agent shall be thereby vacated.

8Partnership Body may be a Ship's Agent.

A Partnership Body, not incorporated, may be appointed a Ship's Agent; and in that Case the Partners for the Time being, or any One or more of them, may act as the Agent; and any Change of Partners shall not affect the Appointment.

The Names of the Partners shall at the Time of Appointment, and from Time to Time on any Change happening, be registered in the Office of the Accountant General of the Navy, and of the High Court of Admiralty.

9Change of Commanding Officer.

The Appointment of the Ship's Agent shall not be affected by a Change of the Commanding Officer of the Ship.

10Office of Ship's Agent.

The Ships Agent shall at all Times have an Office or Place of (Business within Five Miles of the General Post Office, London.

11Ship's Agent to be amenable to High Court of Admiralty.

The Ship's Agent shall be subject to the Jurisdiction and Authority of the High Court of Admiralty as if he were an Officer of the Court, and in case of any Neglect or Misconduct on his Part shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.