Duties of Ship’s Agent

12 Ship’s agent to act for ship with respect to salvage, bounty, prize, &c.

It shall be the duty of the ship’s agent, by himself or by a proper sub-agent appointed and remunerated by him, to take or cause or procure to be taken all steps and proceedings, and do or cause or procure to be done all things, that may be necessary or proper to be taken or done for any purpose on behalf or in the name of the ship, or of the officers and crew thereof, or any of them, in the several cases following:

  • In case of salvage services rendered to any ship or cargo, or otherwise, within the meaning of the enactments for the time being in force relating to merchant shipping:

  • In case of any breach of any law respecting national character or otherwise relating to merchant shipping:

  • In case of any seizure for breach of any law relating to the Customs:

  • F1. . .

  • In case of any matter arising out of an attack on or engagement with persons alleged to be pirates, afloat or on shore:

  • In case of any capture, re-capture, or destruction of any ship, goods, or thing in time of war or hostilities:

  • In case of any special service or other matter in respect whereof any grant, reward, or remuneration is payable.