Fish Teinds (Scotland) Act 1864
An Act to facilitate the Commutation and Sale of certain Vicarage Teinds in Scotland.
WHEREAS by M1Two Acts, being respectively the Seventeenth and Nineteenth of the First Parliament of His Majesty King Charles the First, held at Edinburgh in the Year Sixteen hundred and thirty-three, Provision was made for the Valuation and Sale of Teinds, Parsonage and Vicarage, to those Persons liable in Payment of the same, except in so far as such Teinds had been previously assigned to the Minister serving the Cure : And whereas by the M2Thirtieth Act of the Second Session of the First Parliament of Their Majesties King William and. Queen Mary, held at Edinburgh in the Year Sixteen hundred and ninety, intituled An Act and Commission for Plantation of Kirks and Valuation of Teinds, it was, inter alia, enacted, that the Rules contained in the foresaid Acts for the Valuation and Sale of Teinds shall extend to all Teinds, " except " such as belong to and are possest by Ministers for their Stipends " and Provisions, which are only to be.valued, but not to be sold or bought :" And whereas by the M3Ninth Act of the Fourth Session of Queen Anne's First Parliament, held at Edinburgh in the Year Seventeen hundred and seven, intituled Act anent Plantation of .irks and Valuation of Teinds, it was, inter alia, enacted, that the Lords of Council and Session shall judge, cognosce, and determine in all Affairs and Causes whatsoever which by the Laws and Acts of Parliament of the Kingdom of Scotland were formerly referred to and did pertain and belong to the Jurisdiction and Cognizance of the Commissioners for Plantation of Kirks and Valuation of Teinds : And whereas there are several Parishes in Scotland in which Vicarage Teinds on Fish are payable to the Ministers, and form Part of their Stipends ; and it is expedient that Provision should be made for the Commutation of such Teinds :
Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows :