Episcopal Church (Scotland) Act 1864

6Penalty on such Persons officiating in certain Cases without Consent of Bishop.

Any Person admitted into Holy Orders by any Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Scotland, and who does not hold or who has not held any Benefice or Ecclesiastical Preferment in England or Ireland, who shall knowingly officiate on more than One Day within Three Months in any Church or Chapel in any Diocese in England or Ireland, without notifying the same to the Bishop of the Diocese in which such Church or Chapel is situate, or who shall officiate contrary to any Injunction of the Bishop of the Diocese under his Hand and Seal, shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Pounds to the Governor of Queen Anne's Bounty, to be recovered by Action of Debt, brought in the Name of the Treasurer of the said Bounty, in any of Her Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster, or in the Court of Session in Scotland at the Suit of the Public Prosecutor, or in Ireland in any Court of Common Law in the Name of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners.