In the Case of a Seaman or Marine; where Representation is not taken out, the Admiralty shall before disposing of the Residue or any Part thereof satisfy out of the Residue (as far as the same will extend) any Debt of the Deceased of which they have Notice, subject to the following Conditions :
First—That the Debt accrued due within Three Tears before the Death:
Second—That Payment of it is claimed within Two Tears after the Death:
Third—That the Claimant proves the Debt to the Satisfaction of the Admiralty:
Fourth—That Six Months have elapsed from the Receipt by the Admiralty of Notice of the Death, and no Person has shown herself or himself to the Satisfaction of the Admiralty to be entitled to take out Representation to the Deceased.
In any such Case, any Person claiming to be a Creditor of the Deceased shall not be entitled to obtain Payment of his Debt out of any Money being under this Act in the Hands of the Admiralty by any Means or Proceeding whatever except by means of a Claim lodged with the Admiralty and Proceedings thereon under and according to this Act.