
Accounts, &c

47Audit of Accounts of Property.

The Accountant General of the Navy shall annually prepare and submit to the Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts-Accounts of the Receipt and Expenditure of the Capital and of the Income derived from the Lands and Property held for the Benefit of Greenwich Hospital; and the Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts shall audit the same as nearly as may be in like Manner as they audit the Accounts rendered by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues ; and in relation to such Audit the Admiralty and the Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts shall respectively have the like Powers, as nearly as may be, as the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury and the Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts respectively have in relation to the Audit of the Accounts rendered by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues.

48Audit of Money voted.

The Accounts of all Money provided by Parliament for any of the Purposes of this Act shall be audited and allowed in the same Manner as the Accounts of Money granted and expended for Naval Services.

49Accounts to be laid before Parliament.

The Admiralty shall lay all the several Accounts so audited, with the Report thereon of the Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts, before both Houses of Parliament within Fourteen Days after the Completion of the Audit for each Tear, if Parliament is then sitting, and if not, then within Fourteen Days after the nest meeting' of Parliament.

50Certificate of Amount expended.

The Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts shall, as soon as may be after the Completion of the Audit for each Tear of Money provided by Parliament for any of the Purposes of this Act, furnish to the Admiralty a Certificate of the Amount expended in that Tear out of Money so provided.

51Repayment of Money expended to Consolidated Fund.

In every Tear, as soon as may be after the Receipt by the Admiralty of such Certificate from the Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts, Her Majesty's Paymaster General shall under the Direction of the Admiralty pay from the Greenwich Hospital Income Account into the Receipt of Her Majesty's Exchequer a Sum, to be carried to and to form Part of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom, equal to the Amount certified by such Certificate to have been expended in the Tear to which the Certificate relates, together with a Sum equal to Fifteen Pounds per Head on the Number of Men by which the average Number of the Inmates of Greenwich Hospital during that Year falls short of One thousand four hundred; but with respect to the First Half Year after the Commencement of this Act a proportionate Part only of such last-mentioned Sum for that Half Year shall be paid.