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Carriers Act Amendment Act 1865

1865 CHAPTER 94

An Act to amend the Carriers Act.

BE it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows :

1The Term " Lace " in 11 G.4 & 1 W.4 c.68, not to include Machine-made Lace.

In the Carriers Act (that is to say, the Act of the Session held in the Eleventh Year of the Reign of King George the Fourth and the First Tear of the Reign of King William the Fourth, Chapter Sixty-eight, " for the more effectual Protection of Mail " Contractors, Stage Coach Proprietors, and other Common Carriers " for Hire, against the Loss of or Injury to Parcels or Packages " delivered to them for Conveyance or Custody, the Value and " Contents of which shall not be declared to them by the Owners " thereof,") the Term " Lace " shall, with respect to any Parcel or Package delivered after the Commencement of this Act, be construed as not including Machine-made Lace.

2Commencement of Act.

This Act shall commence from and immediately after the Thirtieth Day of September One thousand eight hundred and sixty-five.

3Short Title.

This Act may be cited as The Carriers Act Amendment Act, 1865.