15To whom Feu Duties, &c. to be made payable.

The said Feu Duties and Rents, and the Interest of any Monies arising from any Sale or Sales in Pee Simple of any Part or Parts of the Glebe invested as herein-after provided, shall be taken payable to the Minister and his Successors in Office serving the Cure of the Parish for the Time, in all Time thereafter, and be recoverable by him or them: Provided that on the Death of any Minister, his "Widow, Heirs, or Executors shall have Right to and shall be entitled to receive and discharge the said Feu Duties and Rents in the same Manner and for the same Length of Time as is provided by the Thirteenth Act of the Third Session of the Second Parliament of Charles the Second, passed at Edinburgh the Twenty-third Day of August One thousand six hundred and seventy-two, intituled Act for the Ann. due to the Executors of Bishops and Ministers, with regard to the Stipend of the Parish as Ann.; and provided further, that in the event of any Circumstance causing a Vacancy to be prolonged beyond the Term during which such Widow, Heirs, or Executors have a Right to the said Feu Duties and Rents, it shall be lawful for the Heritors of the Parish and Presbytery of the Bounds to uplift and to apply the said Feu Duties and Rents to the Provision of Spiritual Superintendence and the Supply of Religious Ordinances in the Parish during the Vacancy.