Ecclesiastical Commissioners Act 1840

XXIINon-residentiary Prebends and Offices not to give Right to any Endowment.

And be it enacted, subject to the Provisions herein-after contained, That after the passing of this Act no Presentation, Collation, Donation, Admission, Election, or other Appointment to the Dignity or Office of Sub-Dean, Chancellor of the Church, Vice Chancellor, Treasurer, Provost, Precentor, or Succentor, nor to any Prebend not residentiary, in any Cathedral or Collegiate Church in England, or in the Cathedral Churches of Saint David and Llandaff, or in the Collegiate Church of Brecon, shall convey any Right or Title whatsoever to any Lands, Tithes, or other Hereditaments, or any other Endowment or Emolument whatsoever, now belonging to such Dignity, Office, or Prebend, or enjoyed by the Holder thereof in right of such Dignity, Office, or Prebend, or any Part thereof: provided that nothing herein contained shall be construed to deprive any present or future Holder of any Office in any Cathedral or Collegiate Church, actually performing Duties in respect of such Office, of any Stipend or other Emolument heretofore accustomably assigned to such Office, or paid to the Holder thereof, according to the Statutes of such Church, out of the Revenues thereof.