II.Queen in Council may constitute Police Court Divisions, and define and alter their Extent and Number. Limiting Number of Magistrates.
III.So much of 2 & 3 Vict. c.71 as requires the daily Attendance of a Police Magistrate at the Courts to apply only to those Courts already established.
IV.Police Magistrates may be ordered to attend at other Courts.
VI.Any Two Justices may act with the Authority of a Police Magistrate. Proviso.
VII.Application of recited Act as to the Employment of Clerks.
X.Militia Ballotting Lists to be made out by Police Constables.
XII.Appeal to the Police Magistrates from Proceedings at the Leet concerning Weights and Measures.
XIV.Horse and Foot Patrol and Thames Police declared within the Provision for Superannuation Allowances.
XV.London Justices to have same Powers as Metropolitan Justices.