
XMilitia Ballotting Lists to be made out by Police Constables.

And be it enacted, That after the passing of this Act all Proceedings within the Metropolitan Police District relating to the serving of Notices, and the procuring and making out of the Returns of the Persons liable to serve in the Militia, and the preparing and making out of the Lists of the Persons liable to be ballotted for the Militia, and all other Things, by an [42 G. 3. c. 90.] Act passed in the Forty-second Year or the Reign of King George the Third, intituled An Act for amending the Laws relating to the Militia in England, and for augmenting the Militia, or by any other Act relating to the Militia, directed to be done by the High and other Constables for the Time being, shall be done within the said District by the Constables of the Metropolitan Police Force, or by such of them as shall be from Time to Time specially appointed for that Purpose by the Commissioners of Police.