Instrument of Resignation ad RemanentiamU.K.
At there was by [or on behalf of] A.B. [here insert the name and designation of the superior], presented to me, notary public subscribing, a disposition [or other deed or extract, as the case may be], dated the day of , granted by C.D. [here insert the name and designation of the vassal], being the vassal in the lands after described, holding the same of the said A.B. as his superior thereof, by which disposition the said C.D. disponed to the said A.B. and his heirs and assignees whomsoever [or as the case may be] all and whole [here insert description of the lands as in the disposition or other deed,&c.]; in virtue of which disposition [or other deed,&c.] the said lands were resigned in the hands of the said A.B. [or “in the hands of E.F. as his commissioner duly authorized, conform to commission”describe by date and other particulars,) “as in the hands of the said A.B. himself”] [or “in the hands of E.F.,being the known agent of the said A.B.,and as such duly authorized in virtue of the M1Infeftment Act 1845, as in the hands of the said A.B. himself,”] ad perpetuam remanentiam and to the effect that the right of property of the foresaid lands and others might be united and consolidated with the right of superiority of the same in the person of the said A.B. in all time coming. Whereupon this instrument is taken by [oron behalf of] the said “A.B. and C.D.” in the hands of &c., as in schedule (J.) to the end.
Marginal Citations