Titles to Land Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1868

Form of Deed of Restriction of an Heritable SecurityU.K.

I,A.B.,in consideration of the sum of [or if no price is paid for the restrictionconsidering thatC.D. (the debtor) has requested me to release the lands herein-after described (orreferred to) from the security herein-after specified, but without any consideration having been paid to me therefor], do hereby declare to be redeemed and disburdened of the security constituted by a bond and disposition in security [or other security], dated [insert date], and recorded [insert date of recording if recorded, and register of sasines], for the sum of [insert sum] granted by [insert name and designation of debtor], in favour of [specify name and designation of grantee], [and if the bond has been followed by sasine add] and instrument of sasine thereon, dated (insert date, if any) and recorded [specify the register and date of registration], all and whole [here describe the lands to be disburdened], and I restrict the security thereby constituted to the lands and others contained in the said bond and disposition in security other than those hereby disburdened. [If the grantor of the deed is not the original creditor, but one who has acquired right to the security, here specify shortly the title or series of titles by which the grantor acquired such right.] In witness thereof, &c. [here insert a testing clause in usual form].


