
159Litigiosity not to begin before Date of Registration of Notice of Summons.

It shall be competent to register in the General Register of Inhibitions a Notice of any signeted Summons of Reduction of any Conveyance or Deed of or relating to Lands, and in the Register of Adjudications a Notice of any signeted Summons of Adjudication or of Constitution and Adjudication combined for Debt or in Security or in Implement, which Notice shall set forth the Names and Designations of the Pursuer and Defender of such Action and the Date of signeting such Summons in the Form or as nearly as may be in the Form of Schedule (RR.) hereto annexed; and no Summons of Reduction, Constitution, Adjudication, or Constitution and Adjudication combined, shall have any Effect in rendering litigious the Lands to which such Summons relates, except from and after the Date of the Registration of such Notice.