Titles to Land Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1868

17 Not necessary to record the whole conveyance or discharge.U.K.

Where it is not desired to record in the register of sasines the whole of a conveyance or deed, or the whole of a discharge, of or relating to lands, it shall be competent and sufficient to expede and record in the appropriate register of sasines a notarial instrument setting forth generally the nature of the conveyance or deed or discharge, and containing those portions of the same by which the lands are conveyed or discharged, and by which real burdens, conditions, provisions, or limitations are imposed or discharged; and where by any conveyance or deed or discharge separate lands or separate interests in the same lands are conveyed or discharged in favour of the same or different persons, it shall not be necessary to record the whole of such conveyance or deed or discharge, but it shall be competent and sufficient to expede and record as aforesaid a notarial instrument, setting forth generally the nature of the conveyance or deed or discharge, and containing the part or parts of the conveyance or deed or discharge by which particular lands are conveyed or discharged in favour of the person or persons in whose favour the notarial instrument is expede, and the part of the conveyance or deed or discharge which specifies the nature and extent of the right and interest of such person or persons, with the real burdens, conditions, provisions, and limitations, if any; and such notarial instrument shall be in or as nearly as may be in the form of schedule (J.) hereto annexed; and upon such notarial instrument or any similar notarial instrument expede in virtue of any of the Acts of Parliament hereby repealed being so recorded, the person or persons in whose favour the same has been or shall be expede and so recorded shall be in the same position as if at the date of such recording the conveyance or deed or discharge on which it proceeds, along with a warrant of registration thereon, had been recorded in the appropriate register of sasines in favour of such person or persons.