25Mode of completing Title by a Trustee in Sequestration, and by Liquidators of Joint Stock Companies.
It shall be competent to a Trustee on a sequestrated Estate, or to Liquidators, official or voluntary, appointed for the Purpose of winding up a Joint Stock Company, to expede a Notarial Instrument, setting forth the Act and Warrant of Confirmation in favour of such Trustee, or the Appointment of such Liquidators, official or voluntary, respectively, and specifying the Lands belonging to the Bankrupt or Company to which a Title is to be completed, and the Title by which such Lands are held by the Bankrupt or Company, in or as nearly as may be in the Form of Schedule (Oi) hereto annexed, and when the Lands consist of Heritable Securities by a Notarial Instrument in or nearly as may be the Form of Schedule (LL.) hereto annexed, and to record such Notarial Instrument hi the appropriate Register of Sasines ; and on such Notarial Instrument or any similar Notarial Instrument expede; in virtue of any Act of Parliament, hereby repealed being so recorded the Trustee or liquidator whose; Favour the same shall have been or shall he so recorded shall he held to he in all respects in the same Position as if the Bankrupt or Company, or any previous Trustee or Liquidator had granted a Conveyance of the Lands contained in the Notarial Instrument in favour of such Trustee or such Liquidators, to he holden in the Case of Lands not held by Burgage Tenure in the Manner and to the Effect, and subject to the Provisions enacted and provided in Section Sixth hereof in the Case of Conveyances where no manner of Holding is expressed, and in the Case of Lands held by Burgage Tenure to be holden of Her Majesty in Free Burgage, and as if such Conveyance had been recorded or followed by an Instrument of Sasine, or of Resignation and Sasine, or Notarial Instrument, in favour of such Trustee or of such Liquidators, duly expede and recorded in the appropriate Register of Sasines at the Date of recording such Notarial Instrument.