F150 Jurisdiction of the Sheriff of Chancery.

The Sheriff of Chancery appointed or to be appointed in virtue of this Act shall have and possess such and the like authority and jurisdiction to entertain, try, and adjudicate, but in the manner prescribed and directed by this Act, all questions of and relating to the service of heirs, as the Sheriff of Chancery appointed in virtue of the said recited Act tenth and eleventh of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter forty-seven, or any sheriff or judge ordinary, now has and possesses in any case competent before such sheriff or judge ordinary, or in any case now or formerly competent before the Sheriff of Edinburgh acting on special commission; and such Sheriff of Chancery shall hold his court in any court room within the Parliament or new Session House of Edinburgh which has been or may be assigned by the Lords of Session for that purpose, or in any other place which may be so assigned.