
88Crown Charters or Writs of Novodamus, how to be obtained.

In every Case in which a Crown Charter or Writ of Novodamus, or a Crown Charter or Writ containing any new or original Grant, shall be sought, the Person applying for the same shall, previously to lodging the Note before mentioned in the Office of the Presenter of Signatures, obtain the Consent and Approbation of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues, or any One of them, and of the Commissioners of the Board of Trade, under the Hand of their Secretary for the Time being, and written Evidence of such Consent shall be produced along with the Note to be lodged as aforesaid in the Office of the Presenter of Signatures; and the Charter or Writ shall be revised and engrossed as in the ordinary Case, but the same shall be lodged with the Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, and be by him transmitted for the Sign Manual of Her Majesty, and the Signatures of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, or any Two of them, or in case such Charter or Writ be of Lands holden of the Prince, and His Royal Highness be then of full Age, for the Consent and Approbation of the Prince, signified under his Sign Manual, after which the proper Seal shall, if desired, be attached to such Charters or Writs, and the other Procedure shall be as is provided in regard to Crown Writs generally.