11 Execution of duties and powers of sheriff, gaoler, &c. by under-sheriff, deputy gaoler, &c.

The duties and powers by this Act imposed on or vested in the sheriff may be performed by and shall be vested in his under sheriff or other lawful deputy acting in his absence and with his authority, and any other officer charged in any case with the execution of judgment of death.

The duties and powers by this Act imposed on or vested in the gaoler of the prison may be performed by and shall be vested in the deputy gaoler (if any) acting in his absence and with his authority, and (if there is no officer of the prison called the gaoler) by the governor, keeper, or other chief officer of the prison, and his deputy (if any) acting as aforesaid.

The duties and powers by this Act imposed on or vested in the surgeon may be performed by and shall be vested in the chief medical officer of the prison (if there is no officer of the prison called the surgeon).

The duties by this Act imposed on the chaplain may, in the event of the absence of the chaplain, be performed by the assistant chaplain or other person acting in place of the chaplain.