5Continuance of existing permanent funded debt on existing terms.
The perpetual annuities described in the first schedule to this Act, to the respective amounts thereof subsisting at the passing of this Act, and the several capital sums in respect whereof those several annuities are payable, do and shall form part of the National Debt, due to the several persons who at the passing of this Act are entitled thereto, and their representatives.
All the annuities aforesaid shall, until redemption, continue to be payable in manner in this Act provided, at the respective rates in the same schedule mentioned, by equal half-yearly dividends on the respective days therein mentioned.
All the annuities aforesaid shall respectively continue redeemable by Parliament at the periods and in the manner in the same schedule mentioned, at the rate of one hundred pounds sterling for every one hundred pounds of the capital sums in respect whereof they ase payable, and (subject to the provisions of part V. of this Act) shall continue transferable in the books of the Bank of England or of Ireland by the several stockholders for the time being and their representatives.