Construction of TramwaysE+W+S
[22 As to incorporation of Parts II and III of this Act with Provisional Order and special Acts.E+W+S
Part II and Part III of this Act shall apply to every tramway which is hereafter authorized by any Provisional Order or Act of Parliament, and shall be incorporated with such Provisional Order or Act, and all the said provisions of this Act, save so far as they shall be expressly varied or excepted by any such Provisional Order or Act, shall apply to the undertaking authorized thereby, so far as the same shall be applicable to such undertaking, and shall, with the provisions of every other Act or part of any Act which shall be incorporated therewith, form part of the said Provisional Order or Act, and be construed therewith as forming one Provisional Order or Act, as the case may be.]
[23“Special Act.”E+W+S
In Part II and Part III of this Act, the term “special Act” shall be construed to mean any Act of Parliament which shall be hereafter passed or any Provisional Order authorizing the construction of a tramway, and with which the said parts of this Act shall be incorporated as aforesaid.]
The term “the promoters” shall mean any person, persons, corporation, company, or local authority authorized by special Act to construct a tramway.]
25 Mode of formation of tramways.E+W+S
[ Every tramway which is hereafter authorized by special Act shall be constructed on such gauge as may be prescribed by such special Act, and if no gauge is thereby prescribed, on such gauge as will admit of the use upon such tramways of carriages constructed for use upon railways of a gauge of four feet eight inches and half an inch; and shall be laid and maintained in such manner that the uppermost surface of the rail shall be on a level with the surface of the road; . . .]
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
[26Power to break up streets, &c.E+W+S
The promoters from time to time, for the purpose of making, forming, laying down, maintaining, and renewing any tramway duly authorized, or any part or parts thereof respectively, may open and break up any road, subject to the following regulations:
(1)They shall give to the road authority notice of their intention, specifying the time at which they will begin to do so, and the portion of road proposed to be opened or broken up, such notice to be given seven days at least before the commencement of the work:
(2)They shall not open, or break up, or alter the level of any road, except under the superintendence and to the reasonable satisfaction of the road authority, unless that authority refuses or neglects to give such superintendence at the time specified in the notice, or discontinues the same during the work;
(3)They shall pay all reasonable expenses to which the road authority is put on account of such superintendence:
(4)They shall not, without the consent of the road authority, open or break up at any one time a greater length than one hundred yards of any road which does not exceed a quarter of a mile in length, and in the case of any road exceeding a quarter of a mile in length the promoters shall leave an interval of at least a quarter of a mile between any two places at which they may open or break up the road, and they shall not open or break up at any such place a greater length than one hundred yards.
Where the carriageway over any bridge forms part of or is a road within the jurisdiction of a road authority, but such bridge is vested in some person or persons, corporation, or company, distinct from such road authority, any work which the promoters may be empowered to construct, and which affects or in anywise interferes with the structural works of such bridge, shall be constructed under the superintendence (at the cost of the promoters) and to the reasonable satisfaction of such person, persons, corporation, or company, unless after notice to be given by the promoters seven days at least before the commencement of such work such superintendence is refused or withheld.
Where the carriageway in or upon which any tramway is proposed to be formed or laid down is crossed by any railway or tramway on the level, any work which the promoters may be empowered to construct, and which affects or in anywise interferes with such railway or tramways, or the traffic thereon, shall be constructed and maintained under the superintendence (at the cost of the promoters) and to the reasonable satisfaction of the person, corporation, or company owning such railway or tramway, unless after notice to be given by the promoters seven days at least before the commencement of such work such superintendence is refused or withheld.]
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
[27Completion of works and reinstatement of road.E+W+S
When the promoters have opened or broken up any portion of any road, they shall be under the following further obligations, namely,
(1)They shall, with all convenient speed, and in all cases within four weeks at the most (unless the road authority otherwise consents in writing) complete the work on account of which they opened or broke up the same, and (subject to the formation, maintenance, or renewal of the tramway) fill in the ground and make good the surface, and, to the satisfaction of the road authority, restore the portion of the road to as good condition as that in which it was before it was opened or broken up, and clear away all surplus paving or metalling material or rubbish occasioned thereby:
(2)They shall in the meantime cause the place where the road is opened or broken up to be fenced and watched, and to be properly lighted at night:
(3)They shall bear or pay all reasonable expenses of the repair of the road for six months after the same is restored, as far as those expenses are increased by the opening or breaking up.
If the promoters aforesaid fail to comply in any respect with the provisions of the present section, they shall for every such offence (without prejudice to the enforcement of specific performance of the requirements of this Act or to any other remedy against them) be liable to a penalty not exceeding [level 2 on the standard scale]], and to a further penalty not exceeding five pounds for each day during which any such failure continues after the first day on which such penalty is incurred.
[28Repair of part of road where tramway is laid. E+W+S
The promoters shall, at their own expense, at all times maintain and keep in good condition and repair, with such materials and in such manner as the road authority shall direct and to their satisfaction, so much of any road whereon any tramway belonging to them is laid as lies between the rails of the tramway and (where two tramways are laid by the same promoters in any road at a distance of not more than four feet from each other) the portion of the road between the tramways, and in every case so much of the road as extends eighteen inches beyond the rails of and on each side of any such tramway. If the promoters abandon their undertaking, or any part of the same, and take up any tramway or any part of any tramway belonging to them, they shall with all convenient speed, and in all cases within six weeks at the most (unless the road authority otherwise consents in writing) fill in the ground and make good the surface, and, to the satisfaction of the road authority, restore the portion of the road upon which such tramway was laid to as good a condition as that in which it was before such tramway was laid thereon, and clear away all surplus paving or metalling material or rubbish occasioned by such work; and they shall in the meantime cause the place where the road is opened or broken up to be fenced and watched, and to be properly lighted at night: Provided always, that if the promoters fail to comply with the provisions of this section, the road authority, if they think fit, may themselves at any time, after seven days notice to the promoters, open and break up the road, and do the works necessary for the repair and maintenance or restoration of the road, to the extent in this section above mentioned, and the expense incurred by the road authority in so doing shall be repaid to them by the promoters.]
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
[29Road authority and promoters may contract for paving roads on which tramways are laid.E+W+S
The road authority on the one hand and the promoters on the other hand may from time to time enter into and carry into effect, and from time to time, alter, renew, or vary, contracts, agreements, or arrangements with respect to the paving and keeping in repair of the whole or any portion of the roadway of any road on which the promoters shall lay any tramway, and the proportion to be paid by either of them of the expense of such paving and keeping in repair.]
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
[30Provision as to gas and water companies. E+W+S
For the purpose of making, forming, laying down, maintaining, repairing, or renewing any of their tramways, the promoters may from time to time, where and as far as it is necessary, or may appear expedient for the purpose of preventing frequent interruption of the traffic by repairs or works in connexion with the same, alter the position of any mains or pipes for the supply of gas or water, or any tube, wires, or apparatus for telegraphic or other purposes, subject to the provisions of this Act, and also subject to the following restrictions; (that is to say,)
(1)Before laying down a tramway in a road in which any mains or pipes, tubes, wires, or apparatus may be laid, the promoters shall, whether they contemplate altering the position of any such mains or pipes, wires or apparatus, or not, give seven days notice to the company, persons, or person to whom such mains or pipes, tubes, wires, or apparatus may belong or by whom they are controlled, of their intention to lay down or alter the tramway, and shall at the same time deliver a plan and section of the proposed work. If it should appear to any such company or person that the construction of the tramway as proposed would endanger any such main or pipe, tube, wire, or apparatus, or interfere with or impede the supply of water or gas or the telegraphic or other communication, such company or person (as the case may be) may give notice to the promoters to lower or otherwise alter the position of the said mains or pipes, tubes, wires, or apparatus in such manner as may be considered necessary, and any difference as to the necessity of any such lowering or alteration shall be settled in manner provided by this Act for the settlement of differences between the promoters and other companies or persons, and all alterations to be made under this section shall be made with as little detriment and inconvenience to the company or person to whom such mains or pipes, tubes, wires, or apparatus may belong, or by whom the same are controlled, or to the inhabitants of the district, as the circumstances will admit, and under the superintendence of such company or person or of their surveyor or engineer if they or he think fit to attend, after receiving not less than forty-eight hours notice for that purpose, which notice the promoters are hereby required to give:
(2)The promoters shall not remove or displace any of the mains or pipes, valves, syphons, plugs, tubes, wires, or apparatus, or other works belonging to or controlled by any such company or person, or do anything to impede the passage of water or gas or the telegraphic or other communication into or through such mains or pipes without the consent of such company or person, or in any other manner than such company or person shall approve, until good and sufficient mains, pipes, valves, syphons, plugs, and other works necessary or proper for continuing the supply of water or gas or telegraphic or other communication, as sufficiently as the same was supplied by the mains or pipes, tubes, wires, or apparatus proposed to be removed or displaced, shall at the expense of the promoters have been first made and laid down in lieu thereof and ready for use, and to the satisfaction of the surveyor or engineer of such water or gas or other company, or of such person, or, in case of disagreement between such surveyor or engineer and the promoters, as an engineer appointed by the Board of Trade shall direct:
(3)The promoters shall not lay down any such pipes contrary to the regulations of any Act of Parliament relating to such water or gas or other company, or relating to telegraphs:
(4)The promoters shall make good all damage done by them to property belonging to or controlled by any such company or person, and shall make full compensation to all parties for any loss or damage which they may sustain by reason of any interference with such property, or with the private service pipes of any person supplied by any such company or person with water or gas:
(5)If by any such operations as aforesaid the promoters interrupt the supply of water or gas in or through any main or main pipe they shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds for every day upon which the supply shall be so interrupted.]
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
[31For protection of sewers, &c.E+W+S
Where in any district any tramway or any work connected therewith interferes with any sewer, drain, watercourse, subway, defence, or work in such district, or in any way affects the sewerage or drainage of such district, the promoters shall not commence any tramway or work until they shall have given to the proper authority fourteen days previous notice in writing of their intention to commence the same, by leaving such notice at the principal office of such authority with all necessary particulars relating thereto, nor until such authority shall have signified their approval of the same, unless such authority do not signify their approval, disapproval, or other directions within fourteen days after service of the said notice and particulars as aforesaid, and the promoters shall comply with and conform to all reasonable directions and regulations of the said authority in the execution of the said works, and shall provide by new, altered, or substituted works, in such manner as such authority shall reasonably require, for the proper protection of and for preventing injury or impediment to the sewers and works herein-before referred to, or by reason of the tramways, and shall save harmless the said authority against all and every the expense to be occasioned thereby; and all such works shall be done under the direction, superintendence, and control of the engineer or other officer or officers of the said authority, at the reasonable costs, charges, and expenses in all respects of the promoters; and when any new, altered, or substituted work as aforesaid, or any works or defence connected therewith, shall be completed by or at the costs, charges, or expenses of the promoters under the provisions of this Act, the same shall thereafter be as fully and completely under the direction, jurisdiction, and control of the said authority and be maintained by them as any sewers or works.]
[32Rights of authorities and companies, &c. to open roads. E+W+S
Nothing in this Act shall take away or abridge any power to open or break up any road along or across which any tramway is laid, or any other power vested in any local authority or road authority for any of the purposes for which such authority is respectively constituted, or in any company, body, or person for the purpose of laying down, repairing, altering, or removing any pipe for the supply of gas [or water]] , or any tubes, wires, or apparatus for telegraphic or other purposes, but in the exercise of such power every such local authority, road authority, company, body, or person shall be subject to the following restrictions; (that is to say,)
(1)They shall cause as little detriment or inconvenience to the promoters and lessees as circumstances admit:
(2)Before they commence any work whereby the traffic on the tramway will be interrupted they shall (except in cases of urgency, in which cases no notice shall be necessary) give to the promoters and lessees, if there be any, notice of their intention to commence such work, specifying the time at which they will begin to do so, such notice to be given eighteen hours at least before the commencement of the work:
(3)They shall not be liable to pay to the promoters or lessees any compensation for injury done to the tramway by the execution of such work, or for loss of traffic occasioned thereby, or for the reasonable exercise of the powers so vested in them as aforesaid:
(4)Whenever for the purpose of enabling them to execute such work the local authority or the road authority shall so require, the promoters or lessees shall either stop traffic on the tramway to which the notice shall refer, where it would otherwise interfere with such work, or shore up and secure the same at their own risk and cost during the execution of the work there: Provided that such work shall always be completed by the local authority or the road authority, as the case may be, with all reasonable expedition:
(5)Any company, body, or person shall not execute such work so far as it immediately affects the tramway except under the superintendence of the promoters, unless they refuse or neglect to give such superintendence at the time specified in the notice for the commencement of the work or discontinue the same during the progress of the work; and they shall execute such work at their own expense, and to the reasonable satisfaction of the promoters: Provided that any additional expense imposed upon them by reason of the existence of the tramway in any road or place where any such mains, pipes, tubes, wires, or apparatus shall have been laid before the construction of such tramway shall be borne by the promoters.
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
[33 Difference between promoters and road authority, &c.E+W+S
If any difference arises between the promoters or lessees on the one hand and any local authority or road authority, or any gas or water company, or any company, body, or person to whom any sewer, drain, tube, wires, or apparatus for telegraphic or other purposes may belong, or any other company, on the other hand, with respect to any inteference or control, exercised, or claimed to be exercised, by them or him, or on their or his behalf, or by the promoters or lessees by virtue of this Act, in relation to any tramway or work, or in relation to any work or proceeding of the local authority, road authority, body, company, or person, or with respect to the propriety of or the mode of execution of any work relating to any tramway, or with respect to the amount of any compensation to be made by or to the promoters or lessees, or on the question whether any work is such as ought reasonably to satisfy the local authority, road authority, body, company, or person concerned, or with respect to any other subject or thing regulated by or comprised in this Act, the matter in difference shall (unless otherwise specially provided by this Act) be settled by an engineer or other fit person nominated as referee by the Board of Trade on the application of either party, and the expenses of the reference shall be borne and paid as the referee directs.]