
PART IIIGeneral Provisions


34Power for promoters to use tramways with flange-wheeled carriages, &c.

The promoters of tramways authorised by special Act and their lessees may use on their tramways carriages with flange wheels or wheels suitable only to run on the rail prescribed by such Act; and, subject to the provisions of such special Act and of this Act, the promoters and their lessees shall have the exclusive use of their tramways for carriages with flange wheels or other wheels suitable only to run on the prescribed rail.

All carriages used on any tramway shall be moved by the power prescribed by the special Act, and where no such power is prescribed, by animal power

No carriage used on any tramway which is hereafter authorised by special Act shall extend beyond the outer edge of the wheels of such carriage more than eleven inches on each side.

Licenses to use Tramways

35Licenses to use the tramway may in certain events be granted to third parties by the Board of Trade.

If at any time after any tramway or part of any tramway shall have been for three years opened for public traffic in any district it shall be represented in writing to the Board of Trade by the local authority of such district or by twenty inhabitant ratepayers of such district, or by the road authority of any road- in which such tramway or part of a tramway is laid, that the public are deprived of the full benefit of the tramway, the Board of Trade may (if they consider that, prima facie, the case is one for inquiry) direct an inquiry by a referee under this Act into the truth of the representation, and if the referee report that the truth of the representation has been proved to his satisfaction, the Board may from time to time grant licenses to any company or person to use such tramway in addition to the promoters or their lessees, for such traffic as is authorised by the special Act, with carriages to be approved by the Board, subject to the following provisions, conditions, and restrictions ; that is to say,


The license shall be for any period not less than one year nor more than three years from the date of the license, but shall be renewable by the Board, if they upon inquiry think fit:


The license shall be to use the whole of such tramway for the time being opened for public traffic, or such part or parts of such tramway as the Board, having reference to the cause for granting; the license, shall think right:


The license shall direct the number of carriages which the licensee or licensees shall run upon such tramway, and the mode in which and times at which such carriages shall be run:


The licenses shall specify the tolls to be paid to the promoters or to their lessees by the licensee or licensees for the use of the tramways:


The licensee or licensees, and their officers and servants, shall permit one person duly authorised for that purpose by the promoters, or by their lessees, to ride free of charge in or upon each carriage of the licensee or licensees run upon the tramways for the whole or any part of the journey :


The Board of Trade may at any time after the granting of any license revoke, alter, or modify the same for good cause shown to them.

36In default of payment of tolls licensee's carriages may be detained and sold.

If on demand any licensee fail to pay the tolls due in respect of any passengers carried in any carriage it shall he lawful for the promoters or their lessees, to whom the same are payable, to detain and sell such carriage, or if the same shall have been removed from the tramway or premises of such promoters or lessees, to detain and sell any other carriages on such tramway or premises belonging to such licensee, and out of the moneys arising from such sale to retain the tolls payable as aforesaid, and all charges and expenses of such detention and sale, rendering the overplus (if any) of such moneys and such of the carriages as shall remain unsold to the person entitled thereto.

37Licensees to give account of passengers carried by them.

Every licensee shall on demand give to an officer or servant authorised in that behalf by the promoters or their lessees entitled to be paid tolls by such licensee, an exact account in writing signed by such licensee of the number of passengers conveyed by any and every carriage used by him on the tramways.

38Licensees not giving account of passengers carried liable to penalty.

If any such licensee fails to give such account to such officer or servant demanding the same as aforesaid, or if any such licensee with intent to avoid the payment of any tolls gives a false account, he shall for every such offence forfeit to the promoters, or to their lessees entitled to he paid tolls by such licensee, a sum not exceeding five pounds, and such penalty shall he in addition to any tolls payable in respect of the passengers carried by any such carriage.

39Disputes as to amount of toll to be settled by justice.

If any dispute arise concerning the amount of the tolls due to the promoters or to their lessees from any licensee, or concerning the charges occasioned by any detention or sale of any carriage under the provisions herein contained, the same shall he settled in England by two justices, and in Scotland by the sheriff or two justices, and it shall he lawful for the promoters or their lessees in the meanwhile to detain the carriage, or (if the case so require) the proceeds of the sale thereof.

40Owners of carriages liable for damage done by their servants.

Every licensee shall he answerable for any trespass or damage done by his carriages or horses, or by any of the servants or persons employed by him, to or upon the tramway, or to or upon the property of any other person, and, without prejudice to the right of action against the licensee or any other person, every such servant or other person may lawfully he convicted of such trespass or damage in England before two justices, and in Scotland before the sheriff or two justices, either by the confession of the party offending or by the oath of some credible witness ; and upon such conviction every such licensee shall pay to the promoters, lessees, or persons injured, as the case may he, the damage, to he ascertained by such justices, so that the same do not exceed fifty pounds.

Discontinuance of Tramways

41Tramways to be removed in certain cases.

If at any time after the opening of any tramway in any district for traffic the promoters discontinue the working of such tramway, or of any part thereof, for the space of three calendar months (such discontinuance not being occasioned by circumstances beyond the control of such promoters, for which purpose the want of sufficient funds shall not he considered a circumstance beyond their control), and such discontinuance is proved to the satisfaction of the Board of Trade, the said Board, if they think fit, may by order declare that the powers of the promoters in respect of such tramway or the part thereof so discontinued shall, from the date of such order, he at an end, and thereupon the said powers of the promoters shall cease and determine, unless the same are purchased by the local authority in manner by this Act provided. Where any such order has been made, the road authority of such district may at any time after the expiration of two months from the date of such order, under the authority of a certificate to that effect by the Board of Trade, remove the tramway or part of the tramway so discontinued, and the promoters- shall pay to the road authority the cost of such removal and of the making good of the road by the road authority, such cost to he certified by the clerk for the time being, or by some other authorised officer of the road authority, whose certificate shall he final and conclusive; and if the promoters fail to pay the amount so certified within one calendar month after delivery to them of such certificate or a copy thereof, the road authority may, without any previous notice to the promoters (but without prejudice to any other remedy which they may have for the recovery of the amount), sell and dispose of the materials of the tramway or part of tramway removed, either by public auction or private sale, and for such sum or sums, and to such person or persons, as the road authority may think fit, and may out of the proceeds of such sale pay and reimburse themselves the amount of the cost certified as aforesaid and of the cost of sale, and the balance (if any) of the proceeds of the sale shall be paid over by the road authority to the promoters.

Insolvency of Promoters

42Proceedings in case of insolvency of promoters.

If at any time after the opening of any tramway in any district for traffic, it appears to the local authority or the road authority of such district that the promoters of such tramway are insolvent, so that they are unable to maintain such tramway, or work the same with advantage to the public, and such road authority makes a representation to that effect to the Board of Trade, the Board of Trade may direct an inquiry by a referee into the truth of the representation, and if the referee shall find that the promoters are so insolvent as aforesaid, the Board of Trade may, by order, declare that the powers of the promoters shall, at the expiration of six calendar months from the making of the order, be at an end, and the powers of the promoters shall cease and determine at the expiration of the said period, unless the same are purchased by the local authority in manner by this Act provided; and thereupon such road authority may remove the tramway in like manner and subject to the same provisions as to the payment of the costs of such removal, and to the same remedy for recovery of such costs, in every respect as in cases of removal under the next preceding section.

Purchase of Tramways

43Future purchase of undertaking by local authority.

Where the promoters of a tramway in any district are not the local authority, the local authority, if, by resolution passed at a special meeting of the members constituting such local authority, they so decide, may within six months after the expiration of a period of twenty-one years from the time when such promoters were empowered to construct such tramway, and within six months after the expiration of every subsequent period of seven years, or within three months after any order made by the Board of Trade under either of the two next preceding sections, with the approval of the Board of Trade, by notice in writing require such promoters to sell, and thereupon such promoters shall sell to them their undertaking, or so much, of the same as is within such, district, upon terms of paying the then value (exclusive of any allowance for past or future profits of the undertaking, or any compensation for compulsory sale, or other consideration whatsoever) of the tramway, and all lands, buildings, works, materials, and plant of the promoters suitable to and used by them for the purposes of their undertaking within such district, such value to be in case of difference determined by an engineer or other fit person nominated as referee by the Board of Trade on the application of either party, and the expenses of the reference to be borne and paid as the referee directs. And when any such sale has been made, all the rights, powers, and authorities of such promoters in respect to the undertaking sold, or where any order has been made by the Board of Trade under either of the next preceding sections, all the rights, powers, and authorities of such promoters previous to the making of such order in respect to the undertaking sold, shall be transferred to, vested in, and may be exercised by the authority to whom the same has been sold, in like manner as if such tramway was constructed by such authority under the powers conferred upon them by a Provisional Order under this Act, and In reference to the same they shall be deemed to be the promoters.

No such resolution shall be valid unless a month's previous notice of the meeting, and of the purpose thereof, has been given in manner in which notices of meetings of such local authority are usually given, nor unless two thirds of the members constituting such local authority are present and vote at the meeting, and a majority of those present and voting concur in the resolution; provided that if in Scotland the local authority be the road trustees, it shall not be necessary that two thirds of such trustees shall be present at the meeting, but the resolution shall not be valid unless two thirds of the members present vote in favour of such resolution, and unless the said resolution is confirmed in like manner at another meeting called as aforesaid and held not less than three weeks and not more than six weeks thereafter; and it shall be lawful for the chairman of any such meeting, with the consent of a majority of the members present, to adjourn the same from time to time.

The local authority in any district may pay the purchase money and all expenses incurred by them in the purchase of any undertaking under the authority of this section out of the like rate, and shall have the like powers to borrow on the security of the same as if such expenses were incurred in applying for, obtaining, and carrying into effect any Provisional Order obtained by them under this Act.

Where the local rate is limited by law to a certain amount, and is by reason of such limitation insufficient for the payment of such purchase money and expenses, the Board of Trade may by Provisional Order extend the limit of such local rate to such amount as they shall think fit and prescribe for the payment of such purchase money and

Every such Provisional Order shall he confirmed in like manner as a Provisional Order under the authority of Part I. of this Act, and until such confirmation such Provisional Order shall not have any operation.

Subject and according to the preceding provisions of this section two or more local authorities may jointly purchase any undertaking or so much of the same as is within their districts.

44Power of sale.

Where any tramway in any district has been opened for traffic for a period of six months the promoters may, with the consent of the Board of Trade, sell their undertaking to any person, persons, corporation, or company, or to the local authority of such district; and when any such sale has been made all the rights, powers, authorities, obligations, and liabilities of such promoters in respect to the undertaking sold shall he transferred to, vested in, and may he exercised by, and shall attach to the person, persons, corporation, company, or local authority to whom the same has been sold, in like manner as if such tramway was constructed by such person, persons, corporation, company, or local authority under the powers conferred upon them by special Act, and in reference to the same they shall he deemed to he the promoters.

Provided always, that a local authority shall not purchase any undertaking under the provisions of this section unless they shall decide to make such purchase by resolution passed at a special meeting of the members constituting such local authority, which resolution shall he made in the same manner and shall he subject to the same conditions as to validity as resolutions made in regard to the purchases by the next preceding section authorised.

Where any purchase is made by any local authority under the provisions of this section, such local authority may pay the purchase money and all expenses incurred by them in making such purchase out of the like funds, and for such purposes shall have all and the like powers and he subject to all the like conditions as if such purchase were made under the authority of the next preceding section.


45Tolls, &c.

The promoters or lessees of a tramway authorised by special Act may demand and take, in respect of such tramway, tolls and charges not exceeding the sums specified in such special Act, subject and according to the regulations therein specified. A fist of all the tolls and charges authorised to be taken shall be exhibited in a conspicuous place inside and outside each of the carriages used upon the tramways.


46Byelaws by local authority.

Subject to the provisions of the special Act authorising any tramway and this Act,

The local authority of any district in which the same is laid down may, from time to time, make regulations as to the following matters:

The promoters of any tramway and their lessees may from time to time make regulations,—

And for better enforcing the observance of all or any of such regulations, it shall be lawful for such local authority and promoters respectively to make byelaws for all or any of the aforesaid purposes, and from time to time repeal or alter such byelaws, and make new byelaws, provided that such byelaws be not repugnant to the laws of that part of the United Kingdom where the same are to have effect.

Notice of the making of any byelaw under the provisions of this Act shall be published by the local authority or the promoters making the same by advertisement, according to the regulations contained in Part II. of the schedule (C.) to this Act annexed, and unless such notice is published in manner aforesaid such byelaw shall be disallowed by the Board of

No such byelaw shall have any force or effect which shall be disallowed by the Board of Trade within two calendar months after a true copy of such byelaw shall have been laid before the Board, and a true copy of every such proposed byelaw shall, not less than two calendar months before such byelaw shall come into operation, be sent to the Board of Trade, and shall be delivered to the promoters of such tramway if the same was made by the local authority, and to such local authority if made by the promoters.

47Penalties may be imposed in byelaws.

Any such byelaw may impose reasonable penalties for offences against the same, not exceeding forty shillings for each offence, with or without further penalties for continuing offences, not exceeding for any continuing offence ten shillings for every day during which the offence continues; but all byelaws shall be so framed as to allow in every case part only of the maximum penalty being ordered to be paid.

48Power to local authority to license drivers, conductors, &c.

The local authority shall have the like power of making and enforcing rules and regulations, and of granting licenses with respect to all carriages using the tramways, and to all drivers, conductors, and other persons having charge of or using the same, and to the standings for the same, as they are for the time being entitled to make, enforce, and grant with respect to hackney carriages, and the drivers and other persons having the charge thereof, and to the standings for the same in the streets and district of or under the control of the local authority : Provided always, that in any district in which any of the powers aforesaid in relation to hackney carriages and the matters aforesaid in connexion therewith are vested in any authority other than the local authority of such district, such authority shall have and may exercise the powers by this section conferred upon the local authority.


49Penalty for obstruction of promoters in laying out tramway.

If any person wilfully obstructs any person acting under the authority of any promoters in the lawful exercise of their powers in setting out or making, forming, laying down, repairing, or renewing a tramway, or defaces or destroys any mark made for the purposes of setting out the line of the tramway, or damages or destroys any property of any promoters, lessees, or licensees, he shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds.

50Penalties for wilful injury or obstruction to tramways, &c.

If any person, without lawful excuse (the proof whereof shall lie on him), wilfully does any of the following things; (namely,)

he shall for every such offence he liable (in addition to any proceedings by way of indictment or otherwise to which he may be subject) to a penalty not exceeding five pounds.

51Penalty on passengers practising frauds on the promoters.

If any person travelling or having travelled in any carriage on any tramway avoids or attempts to avoid payment of his fare, or if any person having paid his fare for a certain distance knowingly and wilfully proceeds in any such carriage beyond such distance, and does not pay the additional fare for the additional distance, or attempts to avoid payment thereof, or if any person knowingly and wilfully refuses or neglects on arriving at the point to which he has paid his fare to quit such carriage, every such person shall, for every such offence, be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings.

52Transient offenders.

It shall he lawful for any officer or servant of the promoters or lessees of any tramway, and all persons called by him to his assistance, to seize and detain any person discovered either in or after committing or attempting to commit any such offence as in the next preceding section is mentioned, and whose name or residence is unknown to such officer or servant, until such person can he conveniently taken before a justice, or until he be otherwise discharged by due course of law.

53Penalty for bringing dangerous goods on the tramway.

No person shall he entitled to carry or to require to he carried on any tramway any goods which may he of a dangerous nature, and if any person send by any tramway any such goods without distinctly marking their nature on the outside of the package containing the same, or otherwise giving notice in writing to the hook-keeper or other servant with whom the same are left at the time of such sending, he shall he liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds for every such offence, and it shall he lawful for such promoters or lessees to refuse to take any parcel that they may suspect to contain goods of a dangerous nature, or require the same to he opened to ascertain the fact.

54Penalty for persons using tramways with carriages with flange wheels, &c.

If any person (except under a lease from or by agreement with the promoters, or under license from the Board of Trade, as by this Act provided,) uses a tramway or any part thereof with carriages having flange wheels or other wheels suitable only to run on the rail of such tramway, such person shall for every such offence he liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds.


55Promoters or lessees to be responsible for all damages.

The promoters or lessees, as the case may he, shall he answerable for all accident, damages, and injuries happening through their act or default, or through the act or default of any person in their employment by reason or in consequence of any of their works or carriages, and shall save harmless all road and other authorities, companies, or bodies, collectively and individually, and their officers and servants, from all damages and costs in respect of such accidents, damages, and injuries.

56Recovery of tolls, penalties, &c.

All tolls, penalties, and charges under this Act, or under any byelaw made in pursuance of this Act, may be recovered and enforced as follows; in England before two justices of the peace in manner directed by the Act of the session of the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter forty-three, intituled " An Act to facilitate the performance of the duties " of justices of the peace out of sessions within England and Wales " with respect to summary convictions and orders," and any Act amending the same, and in Scotland before the sheriff or two justices as penalties under The Railways Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act, 1845.

57Right of user only.

Notwithstanding anything in this Act contained the promoters of any tramway shall not acquire or he deemed to acquire any right other than that of user of any road along or across which they lay any tramway, nor shall anything contained in this Act exempt the promoters of any tramway laid along any turnpike road, or any other person using such tramway, from the payment of such tolls as may he levied in respect of the use of such road by the trustees thereof.

58Arrangements between turnpike road trustees and promoters.

The trustees of any turnpike road and the promoters of any tramway proposed to he laid or laid along the same may, with the approval of the Board of Trade, enter into agreements with each other for the payment of a composition to such trustees in respect of the user of such road for such tramway and the conveyance of traffic thereon, and may with the same approval alter such agreements from time to time.

59Reservation of rights of owners, &c. of mines.

Nothing in this Act shall limit or interfere with the rights of any owner, lessee, or occupier of any mines or minerals lying under or adjacent to any road along or across which any tramway shall he laid to work such mines and minerals, nor shall any such owner, lessee, or occupier he liable to make good or pay compensation for any damage which may be occasioned to such tramway by the working in the usual and ordinary course of their mines or minerals.

60Reserving powers of street authorities to widen, &c. roads.

Nothing in this Act shall take away or affect any power which any road authority, or the owners, commissioners, undertakers, or lessees of any railway, tramway, or inland navigation, may have by law to widen, alter, divert, or improve any road, railway, tramway, or inland navigation.

61Power for local or police authorities to regulate traffic in roads.

Nothing in this Act shall limit the powers of the local authority or police in any district to regulate the passage of any traffic along or across any road along or across which any tramways are laid down, and such authority or police may exercise then authority as well on as off the tramway, and with respect as well to the traffic of the promoters or of lessees as to the traffic of other persons.

62Reservation of right of public to use roads.

Nothing in this Act or in any byelaw made under this Act shall take away or abridge the right of the public to pass along or across every or any part of any road along or across which any tramway is laid, whether on or off the tramway, with carriages not having flange wheels or wheels suitable only to run on the rail of the tramway.

63Regulating inquiries before referee appointed by the Board of Trade.

Every inquiry which by this Act the Board of Trade are empowered to make or direct shall he made in accordance with the following provisions :


The inquiry shall he held in public before an officer to be appointed in that behalf by the Board, herein-after called the referee, and whose appointment shall be by writing, which shall specify all the matters referred to him :


Ten days notice at the least shall be given by the referee to the parties upon whose representation the Board of Trade shall have directed the inquiry, of the time and place at which the inquiry is to be commenced :


The inquiry shall be commenced at the time and place so appointed, and the referee may adjourn the inquiry from time to time as may be necessary to such time and place as he may think fit:


The referee by summons shall, on the application of any party interested in the inquiry, require the attendance before himself, at a place and time to be mentioned in the summons, of any person to be examined as a witness before him, and every person summoned shall attend the referee, and answer all questions touching the matter to be inquired into, and any person who wilfully disobeys any such summons or refuses to answer any question put to him by such referee for the purposes of the said inquiry shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds : Provided always, that no person shall be required to attend in obedience to any such, summons unless the reasonable charges of his attendance shall have been paid or tendered to him, and no person shall be required in any case in obedience to any such summons to travel more than ten miles from his place of abode:


The referee may and shall administer an oath, or an affirmation where an affirmation in lieu of an oath would be admitted in a court of justice, to any person tendered or summoned as a witness on the inquiry :


Any person who upon oath, or affirmation wilfully gives false evidence before the referee shall be deemed guilty of perjury:


The referee shall make his report to the Board of Trade in writing, and shall deliver copies of the report upon request to all or any of the parties to the inquiry. 64. Rules for carrying Act into effect.

64Rules for carrying Act into effect.

The Board of Trade may from time to time make, and, when made, may rescind, annul, or add to, rules with respect to the following matters:


The proceedings to he had before the Board under this Act:


The payment of money or lodgment of securities by way of deposits, the repayment and forfeiture of the same, the investment of the same, the amount and payment of interest or dividends from time to time accruing due on such deposits:


The plans and sections of any works to be deposited by promoters under this Act:


As to any other matter or thing in respect of which it may be expedient to make rules for the purpose of carrying this Act into execution.

Any rules made in pursuance of this section shall be deemed to be within the powers conferred by this Act, and shall be of the same force as if enacted in this Act, and shall be judicially noticed.

Any rules made in pursuance of this section shall be laid before Parliament within three weeks after they are made, if Parliament be then sitting, and if Parliament be not then sitting, within three weeks after the beginning of the then next session of Parliament.