Prayer Book (Tables of Lessons) Act 1871

1871 c.37

An Act to amend the law relating to the Tables of Lessons and Psalter contained in the Prayer Book.

Whereas Commissioners were appointed by Her Majesty to inquire and consider (amongst other matters) the Proper Lessons appointed to be read in Morning and Evening Prayer on the Sundays and Holy-days throughout the year, and the Table of First and Second Lessons contained in the Calendar in the Book of Common Prayer according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland, with a view of suggesting and reporting whether any and what alterations and amendments might be advantageously made in the selection of Lessons to be read at the time of divine service:

And whereas the said Commissioners have made a Report recommending that the revised Tables of Lessons proper to be read on Sundays and Holy-days, and the revised Table of daily First and Second Lessons set out in the Schedule to that Report and in the Schedule to this Act, should be adopted in lieu of the Table of Proper Lessons to be read at Morning and Evening Prayer on the Sundays and other Holy-days throughout the year, and the Table of daily First and Second Lessons in the Calendar prefixed to the said Book of Common Prayer:

And whereas it is expedient to authorize the use of the said revised Tables of Lessons, and to make such consequential alterations as may be necessary in the directions contained in the said Book of Common Prayer respecting “the order how the rest of Holy Scripture is appointed to be read”: