SCHEDULE THREEActs of the Parliament of Ireland

PART IActs wholly repealed

Session and Chapter.Title of Act.
8 Anne, c. 3.An Act for explaining and amending an Act intituled "An Act to "prevent the further growth of Popery."
6 Geo; 1. c. 9.An Act for quieting and discharging all persons in offices or employments from the penalties they may have incurred by not qualifying themselves pursuant to an Act to prevent the .further growth of Popery; and for limiting-the time for prosecutions on the said Act.
1 Geo. 2. c. 2.An Act for allowing further time to persons in offices to qualify themselves pursuant to an Act intituled " An Act to prevent the further " growth of Popery."
1 Geo. 2. c. 20.An Act for regulating the admissions of barristers-at-law, six clerks, and attorneys, and of other persons, into offices and employments, and-for preventing Papists practising as solicitors, and further strengthening the Protestant interest in this kingdom.
19 Geo. 2. c. 18An Act for accepting the solemn affirmation or declaration of the people called Quakers instead of an oath in the usual form.
13 & 14 Geo. 3. c. 35.An Apt to enable His Majesty's subjects, of whatever persuasion, to testify their allegiance to him.
21 & 22 Geo. 3. c. 26.An Act for rendering the manner of conforming from the Popish to the Protestant religion more easy and expeditious.
21 & 22 Geo. 3. c. 57.An Act for the relief of His Majesty's Protestant Dissenting Subjects called Seceders.