Temporary Provisions
11Provision as to existing officers in abolished offices
The persons who upon the abolition of the office of clerk of the petty bag, or the office of clerk of the patents, hold the office so abolished, or any office in connexion with the office so abolished, or receive any salary or remuneration for duties connected therewith, shall upon such abolition be transferred to the Court of Chancery, or if the abolition is after the commencement of the Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1873, to the Supreme Court of Judicature in England, and shall have the same rank and hold their offices by the same tenure and upon the same terms and conditions, and receive the same salaries or remuneration as theretofore; and the Lord Chancellor may from time to time assign to the officers transferred by this section such duties in relation to the business to be performed in any office connected with the Court of Chancery or Supreme Court of Judicature in England as he may think just, and the said officers shall perform those duties : Provided that the duties required to be performed by them under this section shall be the same as or analogous to those which they have heretofore performed.
The Lord Chancellor may at any time, by order, release from the performance of any duties any officer transferred by this section, whose services he may deem unnecessary, and such person shall thereupon cease to hold office, and shall be entitled to compensation, in manner provided by this
The Treasury may, on the petition of any officer so released, inquire whether any, and, if any, what compensation ought to be made to the petitioner, regard being had to the conditions on which he was appointed to his office, the nature of his office or employment, and the duration of his service, and if they think that his claim to compensation is established, may award to him, out of moneys to be provided by Parliament, such compensation by way of annuity or otherwise as under the circumstances of the case they think just and reasonable: Provided that any compensation so granted shall be subject to the provisions of the twentieth section of the Act four and five William IV., chapter twenty-four, and of the eleventh section of the Act twenty-two Victoria, chapter twenty-six.