In this Act, if not inconsistent with the context—
The term “public institution ” means a prison, lock-up, workhouse, lunatic asylum, hospital, and any prescribed public or charitable institution:
The term “house ” includes a public institution as above defined :
The term “occupier ” includes the governor, keeper, master, matron, superintendent, or other chief resident officer of every public institution, and where a house is let in separate apartments or lodgings includes any person residing in such house who is the person under whom such lodgings or separate apartments are immediately held, or his agent:
The term “relative ” includes a relative by marriage:
The term “prescribed ” means prescribed by regulations made from time to time in pursuance of section five of the principal Act or of this Act:
The term “appointed fee ” means the fee specified in the second schedule to this Act:
The term “guardians ” includes any body of persons performing the functions of guardians within the meaning of the Acts relating to the relief of the poor :
The term “union ” means any union or incorporation of parishes under any general or local Act, and includes any single parish having guardians under any such Act:
The term “common fund ” means, in the case of a single parish, the fund out of which the expenses of the guardians of such parish are paid:
The term “Summary Jurisdiction Acts ” means the Act of the session of the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter forty-three, intituled “An Act to ” facilitate the performance of the duties of justices of the “peace out of sessions within England and ”Wales with “respect to summary convictions and orders,” and any Acts amending the same:
The term “court of summary jurisdiction ” means any justice or justices of the peace, metropolitan police magistrate, stipendiary or other magistrate, or officer, by whatever name called, to whom jurisdiction is given by the Summary Jurisdiction Acts, or any Acts therein referred to.