Public Health Act 1875

148Power of urban authority to enter into agreement with turnpike trustees as to repair, &c. of roads.

Any urban authority may by agreement with the trustees of any turnpike road, or with any person liable to repair any street or road, or any part thereof, or with the surveyor of any county bridge, take on themselves the maintenance repair cleansing or watering of any such street or road or any part thereof, or of- any road over any county bridge, and the approaches thereto, or of any part of the said streets or roads within their district, and may remove any turnpike gates toll gates or bars which may be situated within their district, and may erect other turnpike gates toll gates or bars in lieu thereof, on such terms as the urban authority and such trustees or person or surveyor as aforesaid may agree on :


  • That where any mortgage debt is charged on the tolls of any such turnpike road, no agreement shall be made for the removal of any of the toll gates or bars thereon, unless with the previous consent in writing of a majority of at least two thirds in value of the mortgagees ; and

  • That where the terms arranged include any annual or other payments from such urban authority to the trustees of any such turnpike road, then the payments may be secured on any fund or rate applicable by such authority to any of the purposes of this Act in the same manner as other charges on any such fund or rate are authorised by this Act.

Any executors administrators guardians trustees or committee of the estate of any idiot or lunatic, who are as such for the time being entitled to any money charged or secured on the tolls of any such turnpike road, may consent to any such agreement as aforesaid, as fully as if they respectively were so entitled in their own right, discharged of all trusts in respect thereof ; and all executors administrators guardians trustees and committees so consenting are hereby severally indemnified for so doing.