Recovery of Loans

22 Powers of F1the Treasury when in possession.

The F2Treasury, when authorised F3by this Act to take possession of any mortgaged property, may take possession either by themselves or by any person appointed by them (whether such person is interested in the mortgaged property or not), and upon possession of any mortgaged property being so taken,—


All the estate, right, interest, powers, authorities, and privileges, of what nature or kind soever, which were at the time of the making of the mortgage or may for the time being be vested in or exerciseable by the mortgagor or any person claiming through or under the mortgagor, either in relation to the property or necessary for carrying on and managing the same, shall become vested in the F4Public Works Loans Secretary; and


F5The Treasury, or any person appointed as aforesaidF6, may manage and carry on the property, and receive the revenue arising therefrom, or in any way receivable in respect thereof, or otherwise, in pursuance of the mortgage, and exercise all or any of the powers and authorities vested in F7the Public Works Loans Secretary by this Act; and


The F8Treasury or F9the Public Works Loans Secretary or such person as aforesaid shall not be liable for the repairs or maintenance of the mortgaged property, but may apply any moneys received in respect thereof or raised from any rate towards such repairs or maintenance to such extent as the F8Treasury may think expedient; and


F10The Treasury may advance out of moneys at their disposal under this Act sums for the completion, repair, improvement, or security of the mortgaged property, and every such sum shall be deemed and shall be a loan secured on the property and repayable with the like interest from the time of the advance, and by the like person, and shall have the like priority and be recoverable in the like manner as if it were part of the original loan secured by the said mortgage; and


If the revenue received from or in respect of the property is insufficient to keep down the current expenses of working, maintaining, and repairing the same, together with the instalments of principal and the interest for the time being due on the mortgage, and no rate or no sufficient rate can be levied to meet the deficiency, F11the Treasury may destroy or cause to be destroyed, or (if they sell the same) authorise the purchaser with the like consent to destroy the same, and sell or authorise the purchaser to sell the materials thereof and other the articles, goods, and effects belonging thereto, and F12neither the Treasury, nor the Public Works Loans Secretary, nor the purchaser so authorised, nor his representatives, shall be liable in damages or otherwise to any person whomsoever for such destruction; and the provisions of this Act with respect to the sale of any mortgaged property shall apply to any sale under this section; and


Possession under this Act may be relinquished at such time and in such manner and upon such terms and conditions as F13the Treasury think fit, and upon such relinquishment all powers, authorities, and privileges which on the taking of possession become vested in F14the Public Works Loans Secretary shall, so far as they are not reserved, revert to and become vested in the person in whom the same would have been vested if possession had not been taken, but F15the Treasury may, if they think fit, on the relinquishment of possession, reserve any of the said powers, authorities, and privileges, with a view to the payment of any sum due to them:


Every such relinquishment of possession of any mortgaged property shall be without prejudice to the power of again taking possession thereof under the provisions of this Act.