25Disposition to be granted at sight of Court

Upon payment of the price in money or stock as above provided (or without payment, where the sale is for a feuduty), the applicant, or his tutors, curators, or administrators, or his heirs, shall grant a disposition at the sight of the Court containing all clauses usual and necessary for the purposes of the conveyance (according to the nature of the transaction), and in particular a clause providing that the purchaser shall have warrandice against the price, so long as the same shall remain extant, deposited or invested as aforesaid, and binding the applicant and his heirs of provision in warrandice to the extent of the shares of the price received by them respectively, in the event of the price being disen- tailed and divided among the applicant and his heirs of provision according to their respective interests therein. Where a portion of the price is to be secured on the estate, a bond and disposition in security containing all usual clauses shall be granted, or if the Court shall declare that any sum of money shall be a real burden on the estate, such decree on being recorded in the appropriate register of sasines shall have the same force and effect as a bond and disposition in security duly recorded in such-register.