Register Offices

37Appointment of officers, &c

When and so soon as the office of any existing registrar becomes vacant, the following provisions shall come into force and have effect:


The county authority from time to time shall appoint some fit person being a barrister or solicitor of not less than seven years standing and in actual practice at the time of such appointment, or a person who shall for a period of at least five years have discharged the duties of deputy registrar under any of the existing Registry Acts or partly under the existing Registry Acts and partly under this Act to be registrar who shall personally attend to the duties of his office, and may, if they think it expedient, remove any person so appointed from such office: Provided that no such appointment shall have any force or effect unless and until it has been confirmed by the Lord Chancellor, and that the Lord Chancellor may at any time cancel any appointment so made and remove any person appointed from such office upon being satisfied that such person does not properly discharge the duties thereof. No registrar appointed under this section shall either by himself or in partnership with any other person follow any other calling or profession during the time he holds such appointment.


The county authority may from time to time by order direct that any person or persons to be nominated in such order shall be capable of discharging the duties of registrar during any temporary vacancy in the office or during the temporary absence of any registrar through illness or otherwise, upon such terms as to remuneration or otherwise as may be directed by such order; and in default of any such nomination the clerk of the peace or his deputy shall be empowered to act as registrar during such vacancy or temporary absence as aforesaid:


A registrar may, with the approval of the county authority, at any time, by writing under his hand, appoint some fit person or persons being qualified as is herein-before required for the office of registrar to be his deputy or deputies, and to act for him for such time and under such conditions as to remuneration or otherwise as may be sanctioned by the county authority : Provided that any deputy so appointed may at any time be removed from his office by the registrar or the county authority:


The registrar, with the approval of the county authority, shall from time to time appoint such number of clerks, messengers, and servants as may be deemed expedient for carrying this Act into effect, and may from time to time dismiss any person so appointed:


Every registrar and deputy registrar, and, if the county authority think proper, all or any of the clerks to be appointed under this section, shall give security for the due performance of the duties of their respective offices in such manner and to such amount as the county authority may determine;


The registrar, deputy registrars, clerks, messengers, and servants appointed under this section shall be paid such salaries or remuneration as the county authority may from time to time determine:


All salaries and remuneration payable under this section, together with all other expenses of and incidental to the register offices, shall be paid by the county authority: