Part II

Extension of Universities

15 Extension of Universities.

The Commissioners may, if they think fit, make ordinances to extend any of the Universities, by affiliating new colleges to them, and after the expiration of their powers the University Court may make similar ordinances, under regulations to be laid down by the Commissioners, or after the expiry of their powers by the Universities Committee, subject to the following conditions:—


The University Court and college shall be consenting parties.


In cases arising after the expiration of the powers of the Commissioners the approval of the Universities Committee shall have been signified.


The University Court, or any college which under this Act shall have been affiliated to the University, may respectively at any time thereafter resolve that such college shall cease to be affiliated to such University; and, upon such resolution being passed by the University Court, or notified to the University Court by such college, the University Court shall, subject to the approval of the Universities Committee, rescind the ordinance by which such college was affiliated to such University.


The Commissioners, and after the expiry of their powers the Universities Committee, shall make arrangements, where it seems desirable, for the due representation of the University Court on the governing bodies of affiliated colleges, and of the governing bodies of affiliated colleges in the University Court, having regard to the circumstances of each particular case, to the relative numbers in the University and the college of the teaching staffs and of students proceeding to graduation, to the nature of the connexion proposed to be established, and to the purposes for which such representation is desirable. Provided always that these arrangements may include a limitation of the right of the persons so representing the University Court or the affiliated college, as the case may be, to sit and vote while any particular subject or subjects are under consideration.


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