

20Money to be paid to Exchequer

(1)All money placed to the account of the Receiver-General in the Bank of England shall be written off, transferred, : and paid to the receipt and account of the Exchequer as the Treasury direct. Provided that the Bank may under the sanction and regulations of the Treasury pay or transfer from the account of the Receiver-General any part of that money to the credit of the account of some other public department of the State, or in payment of such drafts as the Receiver-General, or his deputy or clerk authorised by him for that purpose, and for whose conduct he shall be answerable, may be authorised to draw, such drafts being first countersigned by the Accountant-General or some other person authorised in that behalf by the Commissioners.

(2)Where any draft or other document required to be countersigned by the Accountant-General or any other person is to be acted on by the Bank of England, the nomination and appointment, and the signature of the Accountant-General or person shall be first made known to the Bank by the Commissioners.