9Site may be sold or exchanged.


Land acquired under the powers of this Act shall not be used otherwise than for the purposes of an institution within the meaning of this Act, but, with the consent of the Charity Commissioners, may be sold or may be exchanged for other land.


The governing body or their trustees may execute conveyances and do all acts necessary to effectuate a sale or exchange.


On a sale, the receipt of the governing body or of the trustees for the governing body shall be a sufficient discharge for the purchase money, and such money shall, as soon as convenient, be invested in the purchase of other land.


Land purchased or taken in exchange under this section shall be devoted to the same purposes and be liable to the same incidents as originally were applicable to or affected the land sold or given in exchange.


Money arising by sale may, until reinvested in the purchase of land, be invested in the names of the governing body or of trustees for the governing body in any manner in which trust money is for the time being by law authorised to be invested; and all dividends and income on investments so made and all the resulting income shall be invested in like manner so as to accumulate in the way of compound interest, and be added to capital until the capital is reinvested in the purchase of land.