PART IProvision of Small Holdings by County Councils

5Committee of and inquiry by council


Any county council may, and every county council not being a council of a county borough shall, appoint a committee to consider whether the circumstances of the county justify the council in putting into operation this Part of this Act.


Any one or more county electors may present a petition to the council of their county alleging that there is a demand for small holdings in the county, and praying that this Part of this Act may be put in operation, and thereupon the petition shall be referred to the committee appointed under this section, who, on being satisfied that the petition is presented in good faith and on reasonable grounds, shall forthwith cause an inquiry into the circumstances to be made and shall report the result to the council.


If any councillor representing or alderman residing in any electoral division of a county in which it is alleged that there is a demand for small holdings is not a member of the committee, he shall be added to the committee for the consideration of the alleged demand.