Military Lands Act 1892

13Power to stop or divert footpaths

(1)Where a footpath crosses or runs inconveniently or dangerously near to any land leased under this Act, that footpath may, with the consent of the vestry of the parish in which the same is situate, and on the certificate of two justices that the footpath to be substituted is convenient for the public, be stopped up or diverted.

(2)The provisions of the [5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 50.] Highway Act, 1835, as to the obtaining of a certificate and the stopping up or diverting a highway where a person other than the inhabitants or vestry are desirous of stopping up, diverting, or turning a highway shall apply so far as practicable to the obtaining of a certificate, and the stopping up or diverting a footpath under this section; with this exception, that the certificate of the justices shall be conclusive in cases where it states the fact of their having viewed the footpath to be stopped up or diverted, and that the proposed new footpath is convenient for the public.