PART XILighthouses.

Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses.

668Incorporation of Commissioners of Northern Lights.


The persons holding the following offices snail be a body corporate under the name of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses ; (that is to say,)


The Lord Advocate and the Solicitor-General for Scotland;


The lords provosts of Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Aberdeen, and the provosts of Inverness and Campbeltown;


The eldest bailies of Edinburgh and Glasgow;


The sheriffs of the counties of the Lothians and Peebles, Lanark, Renfrew and Bute, Argyll, Inverness Elgin and Nairn, Boss Cromarty and Sutherland, Caithness Orknej' and Shetland, Aberdeen Kincardine and Banff, Ayr, Fife and Kinross, Dumfries and Galloway ; and


Any persons elected under this section.


The Commissioners shall have a common seal; and any five of them shall constitute a quorum, and shall have power to do all such matters and things as might he done by the whole body.


The Commissioners may elect the provost or chief magistrate of any royal or parliamentary burgh on or near any part of the coasts of Scotland and the sheriff of any county abutting on those coasts to be a member of their body.