Hosiery Act 1843

VIIJustice empowered to grant Search Warrants.

And be it enacted, That upon Proof on Oath before a Justice of the Peace that there is reasonable Cause to suspect that any Person has in his Possession or on his Premises any such Materials, Tools, or Apparatus as aforesaid, which have been purloined, embezzled, or otherwise fraudulently disposed of, it shall be lawful for the said Justice and such Justice is hereby required to grant his Warrant to search the Dwelling House and Premises of such Person, and if any such Property shall be found therein to cause such. Materials, Tools, or Apparatus, and the Person in whose Possession or on whose Premises the same shall be found, to be brought before him or some other Justice of the Peace, to be dealt with in the same Manner as any Person brought before a Justice under the Enactment next herein-after contained.