Public Health (Scotland) Act 1897

127Penalty for causing water to be corrupted by gas washings, &c.

Any person engaged in the manufacture of gas, naphtha, vitriol, paraffin, or dye stuffs, or any other deleterious substance, or in any trade in which the refuse produced in any such manufacture is used, who shall at any time cause or suffer to be brought or to flow into any stream, reservoir, aqueduct, well, or pond, or place for water, constructed or Used for the supply of water for domestic purposes, or into any pipe or drain communicating therewith, any product, washing, or other substance produced in any such manufacture, or shall wilfully do any act connected with any such manufacture, whereby the water in any such stream, reservoir, aqueduct, well, pond, or place for water shall be fouled, and any person who shall wilfully do or permit to be done any act whereby the water in any stream, reservoir, aqueduct, well, pond, or place constructed or used for the supply of water for drinking or other domestic purposes shall be fouled, shall forfeit for every such offence a sum hot exceeding fifty pounds.