Part IIS Sanitary Provisions

General NuisancesS

23 Form of interlocutor.S

It shall not be necessary to restrict such decree to any special remedy prayed for in the petition, but, as the case shall require, the author of the nuisance or owner or occupier of the premises may be ordained to execute such works or to do or to abstain or cease from doing such acts or things as are necessary to remove the nuisance complained of, in such manner and within such time as shall be specified; and if the sheriff . . . F1, or justice, is of opinion that such or the like nuisance is likely to recur, he may further grant interdict against the recurrence of it, or do otherwise, as the case may in his judgment require; and if the nuisance proved to exist be such as to render a house or building unfit for human habitation or use, he may prohibit such habitation or use until in his judgment it is rendered fit therefor, and on the sheriff . . . F1, or justice being satisfied that it has been rendered fit for that purpose he may declare the house or building habitable, and from the date thereof such house or building may be let or occupied, or the sheriff . . . F1, or justice may do otherwise as the case may in his judgment require.

Textual Amendments