Public Health (Scotland) Act 1897

53Penalty on ceasing to occupy house without disinfection or notice to owner, or on making false answer.

(1)Where a person ceases to occupy any house, or part of a house, in which any person has within six weeks previously been suffering from any infectious disease, and either—

(a)fails to have such house, or part of a house, and all articles therein liable to retain infection, disinfected to the satisfaction of the medical officer, as testified by a certificate signed by him, or such articles destroyed; or

(b)fails to give to the owner or occupier of such house, or part of a house, notice of the previous existence of such disease; or

(c)on being questioned by the owner or occupier of, or by any person negotiating for the hire of, such house or part of a house, as to the fact of there having- within six weeks previously been therein any person suffering from any infectious disease, knowingly makes a false answer to such question,

he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds.

(2)The local authority shall cause their officers to serve notice of the provisions of this section on the occupier of any house, or part of a house, in which they are aware that there is a person -suffering from an infectious disease.