Part VS Regulation of Common Lodging-Houses

96 Local authority may remove sick persons to hospitals, &c. S

When a person in a common lodging-house is ill of any infectious disease, the local authority may, [F1on the certificate of the designated medical officer that the disease is infectious and that the patient may be safely removed, cause him to be removed to a hospital vested in the Secretary of State [F2or managed by a National Health Service trust established under section 12A of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978], but if removal be considered dangerous to life by such officer and is so certified,], no lodger shall be admitted to such lodging-house until it is certified free from infection; and the local authority may, so far as they think requisite for preventing the spread of disease, cause any clothes or bedding used by such person to be disinfected or destroyed, and may pay to the owners of the clothes and bedding so disinfected or destroyed reasonable compensation for the injury or destruction thereof.