LIV Similar Provision as to the Mines and metallic Minerals within the sold Manors.

All Mines and metallic Minerals in, upon, under, and of all and singular the Tenements now, or at any Time within One hundred Years before the said First Day of May One thousand eight hundred and forty-four, held as Conventionary Tenements of any of the said Manors mentioned in the said Second Schedule hereunto annexed respectively, and all Mines and metallic Minerals whatsoever in, upon, under, and of all Lands lying within the same Manors respectively, and which at the Times of the aforesaid Sales of such Manors respectively were Waste or Demesne Lands thereof respectively, and all Mines and metallic Minerals in, upon, and under all other Lands lying within or Parcel of the same Manors respectively, and which said last-mentioned Mines and metallic Minerals shall by such Award be determined to belong to the Duke of Cornwall, do and shall belong absolutely to the Duke of Cornwall as Possessions by the herein-before recited Charter granted, and thereby annexed to the Duchy of Cornwall as aforesaid, but without Prejudice to the Estates or Rights (if any) of any of the present Lessees of the Duke of Cornwall therein.