IVSite may be granted to the Minister and Churchwardens.

And whereas it was provided by the said Act that Grants of Land or Buildings, or any Interest therein, for the Purposes of the Education of poor Persons, might be made to the Minister of any Parish, being a Corporation, and the Churchwardens or Chapelwardens and Overseers of the Poor and their Successors, and it is sometimes found inexpedient or impracticable to introduce the Overseers as Pari, ties to the legal Estate; be it therefore enacted, That such Grants may be made to the Minister and Churchwardens of any Parish, such Minister being the Rector, Vicar, or Perpetual Curate thereof, whether endowed or not, to hold to them and their Successors, subject to the Provisions contained in the Deed of Conveyance thereof for the Management, Direction, and Inspection of the School and Premises.