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  1. Introductory Text

  2. [I.]. The Council of His Royal Highness empowered to sell Lands, &c.

  3. II. Mode of carrying Sales into effect.

  4. III. Power to enfranchise Copyhold or Customary Lands.

  5. IV. Corporations empowered to purchase Rents charged on their own Lands.

  6. V. Trustees for incapacitated Persons empowered to purchase Rents and to enfranchise Lands; but if the Purchase Money exceeds 200l., with Sanction of a Court of Equity.

  7. VI. Tenant of particular Estates authorized to raise Money to redeem Quit Rents, Manorial Rights, &c., and for the Purchase of Enfranchisements; but if the Money raised shall exceed 200l., with the Sanction of a Court of Equity.

  8. VII. The Council may exchange Lands.

  9. VIII. Power to give or receive Money for Equality of Exchange.

  10. IX. Council may purchase Lands, &c.

  11. X. The Council may purchase Leases.

  12. XI. Leases purchased under the Authority of this Act may either be merged or kept on foot.

  13. XII. Powers of Sale and Exchange to extend to Leases purchased.

  14. XIII. Incorporated Persons empowered to sell.

  15. XIV. Application of Purchase Money in case of Purchase from Persons incapacitated.

  16. XV. Similar Provision as to Monies to be received for Equality of Exchange.

  17. XVI. Persons in possession to be deemed entitled till the contrary be shown.

  18. XVII. The Council to cause all Sums received by the Receiver General, &c. under this Act to be paid into the Bank.

  19. XVIII. Application of the Monies to arise from Sales, &c.

  20. XIX. Payments to be made by Drafts on the Bank of England, and such Drafts to be an Authority to the Bank.

  21. XX. Sums arising from Sales, and not immediately wanted, to be invested in the Three per Cents.

  22. XXI. Application of Dividends of Stock.

  23. XXII. Stock may be sold when wanted.

  24. XXIII. Transfers may be made by Power of Attorney.

  25. XXIV. The Council may apply the ordinary Revenues of the Duchy for the general Purposes of the Act.

  26. XXV. His Royal Highness may grant Licences to Copyholders to improve their Tenements, and to demise the same.

  27. XXVI. His Royal Highness may make Grants of Land for Sites for Churches, &c.

  28. XXVII. Sales, &c. not to be made except under Warrant from the Treasury.

  29. XXVIII. Purchasers, &c. not to be bound to see that Provisions of the Act have been complied with;

  30. XXIX. nor to see to the Application of the Purchase Money.

  31. XXX. Deeds, &c. relating to Lands, &c. to be enrolled.

  32. XXXI. Keeper of the Records to enrol all Deeds, &c. in due Order of Time, and to certify the same.

  33. XXXII. Exception as to Conveyances on Sales under 100l.

  34. XXXIII. Deeds, &c. so enrolled not to require any Enrolment in Courts of Law, &c.

  35. XXXIV. Enrolments to be received as Evidence.

  36. XXXV. The Council may authorize Enrolments to be made nunc pro tunc.

  37. XXXVI. The Act not to affect Fees on Enrolments, &c.; the Amounts whereof to be fixed by the Council.

  38. XXXVII. For the Enforcement of certain Covenants in existing Leases.

  39. XXXVIII. An Officer of the Duchy to be appointed to control Execution of Leases.

  40. XXXIX. As to the Performance of Duties imposed on certain Officers.

  41. XL. For securing the Use of certain Rooms in or belonging to the Town Hall of Truro for the Vice Warden and Officers of the Court of the Stannaries of Cornwall.

  42. XLI. Her Majesty may exercise the Powers vested in the Prince by this Act.

  43. XLII. Contracts, &c. may be made by any Three Members of the Council.

  44. XLIII. Certain Licences to search for Minerals not subject to Stamp Duty.

  45. XLIV. Interpretation of Act.

  46. XLV. Act may be amended this Session.

  47. SCHEDULES to which this Act refers.


      Sums of Stock standing in the Name of the Duke of Cornwall, and Acts under which they were invested


      1. Form of Conveyance on Sales by Authority of the Council...

      2. Know all Men by these Presents, That We, Albert Edward...

      3. Form of Receipt

      4. Received the Day of of and from the above-named [or,...

      5. Witness my Hand,

      6. A.B., Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall.

      7. Form of Enfranchisement Deed

      8. Know all Men by these Presents, That We, Albert Edward,...

      9. Form of Conveyance to His Royal Highness of any Lands...

      10. Know all Men by these Presents, That IA.B. of of...

      11. Form of Conveyance to His Royal Highness of any Lands...

      12. Know all Men by these Presents, That IA.B. of in...