Duchy of Cornwall Act 1844

SCHEDULES to which this Act refers.

FIRST SCHEDULEU.K. Sums of Stock standing in the Name of the Duke of Cornwall, and Acts under which they were invested

5,275 7 2 – 3 per Cent. Reduced.38 Geo. 3. c. 60. Land Tax Redemption Act.
4,576 19 11 – 3 per Cent. Consols.38 Geo. 3. c. 60. Land Tax Redemption Act.
6,697 2 9 – 3 per Cent. Consols.5 Geo. 4. c. 78. Act relating to the Rights of Prisage and Butlerage of Wines belonging to the Duchy.
3,741 10 6 – 3 per Cent. Consols.3 Will. 4. c. 36. Act for making a Railway from London to Birmingham.


Form of Conveyance on Sales by Authority of the Council of His Royal Highness

Know all Men by these Presents, That We, Albert Edward Prince of Wales, Duke of Saxony, Duke of Cornwall and Rothsay, Earl of Chester and Carrick, Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the Isles and Great Steward of Scotland, under the Authority of an Act passed [here set forth the Title of this Act], in consideration of the Sum of by A.B. of, &c. paid [here describe the Mode of Payment, whether into the Bank of England, or to the Receiver General, Receiver, or Agent of the Duchy], do by these Presents grant unto the said A.B., his Heirs and Assigns, [or, if the Conveyance be to a Trustee or Trustees for the Purchaser,] do by these Presents, by the Direction and on the Nomination of the said A.B., grant unto C.D. of, &c., and his Heirs, all that [here describe the Premises to be sold, and any subsisting Leases, Contracts, or Charges affecting the same, and in case of Rents, or other incorporeal Hereditaments, Rights, or Charges, describe the Lands which the same are charged on or extend over], together with [insert here the general Words applicable to the particular Description of Property], to have and to hold the said Premises unto and to the Use of the said A.B., his Heirs and Assigns for ever, [or unto the said C.D., his Heirs and Assigns, as the Case may be; and any Uses to which the Grant is intended to enure, or any Trusts or Purposes upon or for which the Grantees are to hold the Premises, may be declared either by setting out the same on the Grant or by Reference to any other Deed or Instrument; and if the Purchase is of a Rent, Right, or Charge which is meant to be extinguished, add] to the Intent that the said [here describe the Rent, Right, or Charge,] shall cease and be extinguished, and the said [describe shortly the Premises on which the Rent, Right, or Charge is charged,] may be absolutely freed and for ever discharged from the same; [or if the Purchase be of a Rent, Right, or Charge that is not meant to be extinguished, add] and it is hereby declared that the said [here describe the Rent, Right, or Charge,] shall not become extinguished by the Grant thereof hereby made, but shall subsist and continue for the Benefit of the Parties entitled thereto under this Grant. In witness whereof to these Presents the Great [or Privy] Seal of our Duchy of Cornwall hath been affixed and set, this Day of in the Year of our Lord .

Form of Receipt

Received the Day of of and from the above-named [or, if the Receipt is endorsed, the within-named,] the Sum of being the Consideration Money expressed in the above-[or within-] written Conveyance.

Witness my Hand,

A.B., Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall.

Form of Enfranchisement Deed

Know all Men by these Presents, That We, Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, &c. [insert the Titles of the Prince, as in the Form of Conveyance on Sales], under the Authority of an Act passed [set forth the Title of this Act], in consideration of the Sum of by A.B. of paid [describe the Mode of Payment as directed in the said Form of Conveyance on Sales, or otherwise as may be proper], do by these Presents enfranchise and grant unto the said A.B., his Heirs and Assigns, all that [here describe the Premises to be enfranchised, including any Rights of Common,&c. intended to be comprised in the Grant], and all Heriots, Quit Rents, Duties, Suit and Service of Court, and all other Customs and Services due and payable for or in respect of the same Premises or any of them, together with [insert here the general Words applicable to the particular Description of Property], but saving and excepting out of this present Enfranchisement and Grant [insert here the Description of the Mines, Minerals, or other Things (if any) meant to be excepted out of the Enfranchisement, with appropriate Rights and Powers], to have and to hold the said Premises unto the said A.B., his Heirs and Assigns for ever, in Free and Common Socage, as of the Manor of [specifying the Manor of which the Property is held], freed and absolutely discharged from the Copyhold [or Customary] Tenure thereof, and of and from all Rents, Fines, Payments, Heriots, Suits, Customs, and Services incident thereto, or by Custom, Prescription, or otherwise howsoever to be paid, rendered, or performed to His said Royal Highness, His Heirs or Successors, for or in respect of the same, but subject [here insert any Charge or Restriction subject to which the Enfranchisement is intended to be made] to the Use of the said A.B., his Heirs and Assigns for ever [or to any other Uses, as in the Form of Conveyance on Sales]. In witness whereof to these Presents the Great [or Privy] Seal of Our Duchy of Cornwall hath been duly affixed and set, this Day of in the Year of our Lord .

Form of Conveyance to His Royal Highness of any Lands agreed to be received in exchange by the Council of His Royal Highness

Know all Men by these Presents, That IA.B. of of the County of in consideration of the Conveyance to me, under the Authority of an Act passed [here set forth the Title of this Act], of [here describe the Premises given in exchange], and also of the Sum of paid to me by the Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall for Equality of Exchange, the Receipt whereof I hereby acknowledge, [this is to be omitted if no Money is given for Equality of Exchange,] do by these Presents grant and convey unto His Royal Highness Albert Edward Duke of Cornwall, His Heirs and Successors, all that [here describe the Premises received in exchange on the Part of His said Royal Highness, and any subsisting Leases, Contracts, or Charges affecting the same, and in case of Rents, Commons, or other incorporeal Hereditaments also describe the Lands,&c. which the same extend over], together with [insert here the general Words applicable to the particular Description of Property], to have and to hold the said Premises to His said Royal Highness, His Heirs and Successors [here insert any Covenants for Title or other Covenants which may have been required from the Party with whom the Exchange is made]. In witness whereof I the said have hereunto set my Hand and Seal, this Day of in the Year of our Lord

Form of Conveyance to His Royal Highness of any Lands or Property purchased by the Council of His Royal Highness

Know all Men by these Presents, That IA.B. of in the County of in consideration of the Sum of Pounds paid to me by the Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall, the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, do by these Presents grant and convey unto His Royal Highness Albert Edward Duke of Cornwall, His Heirs and Successors, all that [here describe the Premises purchased by His Royal Highness, and any subsisting Leases, Contracts, or Charges affecting the same, and in case of Rents, Commons, or other incorporeal Hereditaments also describe the Lands,&c. which the same extend over], together with [insert here the general Words applicable to the particular Description of Property], to have and to hold the said Premises to His said Royal Highness, His Heirs and Successors [here insert any Covenants for Title or other Covenants which may have been required from the Vendors]. In witness whereof I the said A.B. have hereunto set my Hand and Seal, this Day of in the Year of our Lord .