Execution Act 1844

LIICompensation to T. A. Warburton for having performed the Duties of Deputy Registrar.

And whereas one of the Deputy Registrars of the Court of Bankruptcy has since the Twenty-first Day of November One thousand eight hundred and forty-two performed the Duties of Taxing Officer; and during that Period the Duties of Deputy Registrar were discharged by Thomas Acton Warburton Esquire, Barrister at Law; be it enacted, That out of the Fund placed to the Credit of the Accountant in Bankruptcy, intituled " The Secretary of Bankrupts Account," there shall be paid to the said Thomas Acton Warburton, by the Governor and the Company of the Bank of England, by virtue of an Order in Writing of the Lord Chancellor, such Sum of Money, not exceeding Eight hundred Pounds, as the Lord Chancellor shall think reasonable.