XLVLord Chancellor empowered to appoint a Taxing Officer. Tenure of Office, Duties, and Removal. General Provision as to Business of Taxing Officer.

And be it enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act it shall be lawful for the Lord Chancellor to appoint some fit and proper Person, such Person being a Barrister of not less than Five Years standing at the Bar, or who shall have practised as a Pleader for not less than Five Years, or who shall have held the Office of Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the Court of Bankruptcy for not less than Five Years, or an admitted Attorney of One of Her Majesty's Superior Courts at Westminster, or of Her Majesty's Court of Bankruptcy, in actual Practice, of not less than Five Years standing on the Roll of such Court or Courts, to be the Taxing Officer of the Court of Bankruptcy, and to be called the Master of the said Court, at such Salary, not exceeding One thousand two hundred Pounds per Annum, as the Lord Chancellor shall think fit, and to be entitled to an Annuity not exceeding Two Thirds of such Salary, if and when such Officer shall be affected with some permanent Infirmity disabling him from the due Execution of his Office, such Salary or Annuity, as the Case may be, to be charged upon and paid (without any Deduction except the Tax on Income) out of the same Fund and at the same Times and in like Manner as the Salaries or Annuities, as the Case may be, of the Registrars and Deputy Registrars of the said Court; and as and when any Vacancy shall occur in such Office the same shall be supplied by the Lord Chancellor, by the Appointment of some other fit and proper Person of like Qualifications as aforesaid; and every such taxing Officer shall hold his Office during his good Behaviour, and shall discharge his Duties in Person, except where otherwise provided by this Act, or by any Regulation to be made under this Act, and may be removed from his Office by the Lord Chancellor for Misconduct ; and the Business to be transacted by such Taxing Officer, from and after the passing of this Act, shall be the swearing of such Affidavits as may be sworn before any Commissioner, Registrar, or Deputy Registrar of the Court of Bankruptcy, and the taxing of such Costs taxable by any Court of Bankruptcy by virtue of any Statute now or hereafter to be in force as the Lord Chancellor shall from Time to Time by any general or other Order direct, subject to Review of the Court authorized to tax the same; and the Place, Time, and Manner in which the same shall be conducted shall be such as the Lord Chancellor shall by any such Order direct.