Inclosure Act 1845

CXLVIIExchanges may be made of Land not subject to be inclosed.

And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Com-missioners, upon the Application in Writing of the Persons interested, according to the Definition herein-before contained, in Lands not subject to be inclosed under this Act, or in Lands subject to be inclosed under this Act as to which no Proceedings for an Inclosure shall be pending, and who shall desire to effect an Exchange of Lands in which they respectively shall be so interested, to direct Inquiries whether such proposed Exchange would be beneficial to the Owners of such respective Lands; and in case the Commissioners shall be of opinion that such Exchange would be beneficial, and that the Terms of the proposed Exchange are just and reasonable, they shall, unless Notice of Dissent to the proposed Exchange shall be given, under the Provision herein-after contained, cause to be framed, and confirmed under the Hands and Seal of the Commissioners, an Order of Exchange, with a Map or Plan thereunto annexed, in which Order shall be specified and shown the Lands given and taken in exchange by each Person so interested respectively ; and a Copy of such Order, under the Seal of the Commissioners, shall be delivered to each of the Parties on whose Application the Exchange shall have been made; and such Order of Exchange shall be good, valid, and effectual in the Law to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever, and shall be in nowise liable to be impeached by reason of any Infirmity of Estate or Defect of Title of the Persons on whose Application the same shall have been made ; and the Land taken upon every such Exchange shall be and enure to, for, and upon the same Uses, Trusts, Intents, and Purposes, and subject to the same Conditions, Charges, and Incumbrances, as the Lands given on such Exchange would have stood limited or been subject to in case such Order had not been made ; and all Expenses with reference to such Order and Exchange, or the Inquiries in relation thereto, or to any proposed Exchange, shall be borne by the Persons on whose Application such Order shall have been made or such Inquiries undertaken : Provided always, that no Exchange shall be made of any Land held in right of any Church or Chapel or other Ecclesiastical Benefice, without the Consent, testified in Writing, of the Bishop of the Diocese and the Patron of such Benefice.